02 Feb Shock: Millenarian Organization Aids Terrorists
Over the last couple of weeks, we have all learned that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East – UNRWA – is every bit as vile and awful a global agency as its critics had feared, perhaps the most vile and awful a global agency as has ever existed. CBS News has the details here:
An Israeli intelligence document shared on Monday with CBS News and a number of other Western news outlets spells out allegations against a dozen U.N. employees whom Israel says participated in Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack. The document claims seven staff members of UNRWA, the U.N. humanitarian agency that helps Palestinian refugees, stormed into Israeli territory during that attack, including two who participated in kidnappings….
The Israeli document, which has been shared with U.S. officials and obtained by CBS News Monday, lists 12 people, their alleged roles in the attack, job descriptions and photos.
The document says intelligence shows that at least 190 UNRWA workers were also working as Hamas or Islamic Jihad operatives, without providing evidence. It says of the 12 workers, nine were teachers and one a social worker. Seven of the employees were accused of crossing into Israel on Oct. 7. Of those, two were alleged to have kidnapped or assisted in the abduction of Israelis and another two were said to have participated in raids on communal farming villages, according to the document.
One was accused of arming himself with an anti-tank missile the night before the attack, while the document claimed another took photos of a female hostage.
Some were accused of “participating in a terror activity” or coordinating the movement of trucks or weapons used in the attack. Ten were listed as having ties to Hamas and one to the Islamic Jihad militant group.
None of this should come as a surprise to anyone. The United Nations has, for the last half-century, been a bastion of rabid and virulent anti-Semitism. Israel, the only functional democracy in an overwhelmingly dysfunctional part of the world, has been singled out by the UN time and again for human rights violations that pale in comparison to those committed by its neighbors but which the global community largely ignores. The anti-Israel bias in the UN is, paradoxically, both overwhelming and perfectly commonplace.
Again, none of this should surprise anyone. It is, we think, worth remembering at moments like this that the United Nations itself is a terrible organization, created in part by terrible people, for terrible reasons.
Almost from the moment the United States entered World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt was planning how best to achieve the goal of shared post-war global dominance between the Unted States and the Soviet Union. The political scientist and historian of the Cold War, Amos Perlmutter, wrote that Roosevelt’s “vision for a postwar world was neo-Wilsonian, totally at odds with reality. He would help create a new international order, presided over in an equal partnership by the two emerging superpowers, the United States and the USSR, and buttressed by the newly created world organization, the United Nations.” Like Wilson before him, Roosevelt sought to fix the world by bringing the whole of it under the control of a handful its most benevolent and brilliant men – himself included, naturally.
The catch, of course, was that in order to believe that he could effectuate his plan for the post-war global order, Roosevelt also had to believe that it would be received positively by the man who turned out to be the most proficient mass murderer in the war, Josef Stalin. Remarkably, Roosevelt did believe just that. He repeatedly told his staff and others that he was convinced that the man he affectionately called “Uncle Joe” would eagerly welcome his friendship and American entreaties to share governance of the world jointly. They would, he believed, be the closest of allies and the best of friends. In 1943, before ever even meeting Stalin, FDR told his first Ambassador to the USSR, William Bullit, that “I have just a hunch that Stalin doesn’t want anything but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won’t try to annex anything and will work for a world democracy and peace.”
Roosevelt approached the end of the war and Yalta in the same state of delusion. He went, hat in hand, to beg Stalin to join him in his plan to rule the world together as the benevolent co-victors and co-representatives of the triumphant political Left. As history shows, Roosevelt gave Stalin everything he wanted at Yalta, in the vain hope that the two could be friends and work together. History also shows that FDR was never disabused of this fantasy and, as a result, set about trying to make it work.
To this end, Roosevelt put his best men on the job of ensuring the creation – and the successful ratification by the Senate – of the United Nations. Among these “best men” were his Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, John Foster Dulles, and an aide on whom Roosevelt relied on heavily while at Yalta, the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs, a man named Alger Hiss.
Many years of work went into creating the United Nations and planning its charter, and many prominent Americans – including Stettinius and Dulles – had tremendous input into the documents. In the end, though, it was Hiss, the Soviet spy, who ensured that the United Nations was born. Hiss was the primary author of the United Nations Charter and attended the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco as part of the official American delegation headed by Senator Arthur Vandenberg. Among other things, Hiss was tasked with ensuring Vandenberg’s support and compliance – both in endorsing the U.N. Charter at the conference in San Francisco and then shepherding it successfully through the Senate ratification process.
One could, of course, write an entire book about the global dysfunction unleashed upon the world at the instigation of Alger Hiss’s pet project, but the following should suffice as a damning example. It comes from the pen of William Burton, who was Truman’s Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. Burton was one of the biggest boosters of both the U.N. and UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), which was the U.N. agency tasked with “advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through all means of mass communication.” Burton wrote:
We are at the beginning of a long process of breaking down the walls of national sovereignty. UNESCO must be the pioneer . . . As long as a child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The schools therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism (nationalism) . . . we shall presently recognize in nationalism the major obstacle to development of world mindedness.
Needless to say, neither the UN nor UNESCO lived up to the expectations their most avid supporters had for them. Utopian/millenarian operations are like that, after all. They fail to bring about their expected glorious ends but still slog onward, wreaking havoc upon a world whose reality contrasts with their denial thereof.
Given this, it would be a mistake to say that the UN – and its terror-supporting agencies – have outlived their usefulness. They were never useful to begin with. They were designed specifically to achieve unachievable ends, and, unsurprisingly, they failed to deliver them.
The United States has no business funding UNRWA or, frankly, any other UN agency – now or ever.